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Color Storytelling
After doing some research on color storytelling in films, I am in awe of the complexity of understanding in the simple use of colors. The use of color to evoke different emotions, draw attention, and signify change is completely mind blowing. What is more earth shattering to me is the fact that I have never noticed the significance of color use in movies before. This is because film makers use color so well that it blends into the film without being obvious while also having its effect on the viewers. Of course, there are some exceptions to this such as “Sin City” where the film makers create scenes with obvious use of color.
From hand tinting films to digitally altering the pixels the use of color in videos has come a long way since it was first used in 1895 for the film “Anabella’s Serpent Dance” or the first natural color film in 1909 “A Visit to the Seaside”.
As a student learning to create digital videos I am now thinking more deeply about my use of color and how it will affect my videos. Will I keep my same color pallet creating a brand that lets the audience know that I created the video? Or will my color pallet change with each film to highlight what I want the audience to notice or feel? Knowing now how much of an impact color has on the video, I will be giving it more thought when creating characters or backgrounds in scenes throughout each video and I will be more carefully editing my videos to use color to my advantage.
Copyright “Kruger” Violation
The lawsuit in this case is most definitely complicated. Kruger did use a photograph from public domain that was created by someone else and made a profit from it. Kruger also claimed the work by signing it and gave no reference to the original creator. Despite the technicality of time lapse in copyright laws, this still feels like Kruger stole the work and committed copyright infringement.
When art is submitted to the public domain it still has a creator who should always be given credit for the work. Many artists submit their work into a public domain with a copyright clause that states weather or not their work can be used with or without reference to them and weather or not the art can be altered in any way. While it may be possible to use other people’s work for profit, I do not feel it should ever be done without express permission from the artist. The line for me is drawn when the owner of the art is excluded from recognition and profit.
Parallels to this case can be seen in AI created work when AI uses images without permission. These images are then spread across the internet via social media and claimed as original work without any credit to the original owners or even to the AI that modified the work. When it comes to social media and AI copyright infringement is truly out of control.
The Ethics of Photo Manipulation
Photo manipulation can be a very powerful way to portray art, make statements or even manipulate people. When photo manipulation is done for the right reasons, it is like using a digital art brush to “paint” a picture. One of my favorite things to do in Adobe Photoshop is to manipulate photographs by replacing backgrounds or adding objects in a way that makes the photograph more interesting. I do it for art and to show what is possible.
There are plenty of examples out there of unethical photo manipulation found on social media. Has anyone seen the photoshopped mushroom in the aurora photograph that was being passed off as a natural phenomenon? Or the photoshopped red jelly fish in the night sky? These photographs were accompanied by long convincing statements of “authenticity” and thousands of people were in complete awe. They were fooled by the content. My opinion is that is unethical as it pretended to be educational.
My Favorite example of digital 3D design and how it would fit in the OASIS college
My favorite example of digital 3D design is 3D product previews. 3D product previews allow users to interact with the products that they are considering buying. Lenovo has done a great job with this utilizing 3D presentations and animations. Lenovo allows users to zoom in on specific areas of the products and rotate them any way they wish. This gives users a feel for the product. It allows them to shop online in a way that was not possible before. 3D product previews make online shopping better than shopping in the store. Users get the same view of the product with the bonus of product knowledge. This helps lead to a more informed buying.
I can imagine Wade Watts using 3D product preview in an OASIS classroom. This would allow for more in depth learning about biology, chemistry, history, and even math. Imagine a classroom with this technology. The content you are learning pops out of the book. It turns into a 3D design that you can interact with. I believe this is a revolutionary way to learn. It would engage more students. This engagement goes beyond what books ever achieve. We see some of this technology presented in movies. Still, I wonder how long it will be until it becomes the new educational standard.
“Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and how it Relates to Multimedia Interactive and Web Design
Douglas Adams truly had a way with words and a gifted imagination that came together to create an amazing book that captivated the minds of millions of people around the world. His inventive and imaginative style took the reader on a true adventure from the demolition of Earth to a trip through the cosmos. Along the way Arthur encounters many different species in different worlds and is forced to quickly adapt along the way while utilizing new technology.
This is easily related to the internet in the way that it is a new universe full of different websites which are like the planets and other spaceships Arthur encountered with each one having its own unique community that required learning and adapting. I can also relate this book to our journey through the lessons in this class Multimedia Communications Interactive and Web Design. On day one most of us came to class not knowing what to expect and luckily like Arthur had Ford Prefect to guide him, we had an amazing teacher to guide us along our journey. As we learned new technology and explored the world wide web while creating our own spaceship web page. We quickly adapted and became comfortable with linking our webpages to other webpages and posting content created on other websites.
World Citizen Embracing Universal Good Essay
We are all born into this world dependent on learning what we need to survive from the information that is provided to us. We learn from the environment that we spend time in, and we develop bonds with family and forge new friendships, creating a sense of community. The knowledge we learn in our community determines if we feel a sense of pride or shame which is why we all must embrace universal good. In a world where we all have access to the internet, we all can reach out and grow our community from our local hometowns to worlds far away without any unbreakable barriers.
Just like the space crew in the book “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” we can dive into new worlds and communities in the world wide web. We can learn how to use computers and to learn new languages which can take us to new places where we can forge new friendships and learn new ways. As we grow our online community and create new content it is important to use hypertext to show unity within the community by connecting our pages together with links to additional content.
My country of choice that I am building websites pages for is Brazil, a country which shows a rich sense of regional pride. I am fortunate to have been able to experience Brazil’s amazing culture, beautiful cities and landscape. I hope to visit this country again one day.
Animation Enhancement Essay
When I was young, I watched this animation that completely changed how I perceived things around me. It was a bird surrounded by grass, as tall as can be and as the bird flew higher the grass gave way to tall trees in a thick forest with a full canopy. The bird kept flying higher and above the canopy gave way to the open sky. As the bird kept flying higher the once very detailed forest became a background blur.
For me this was a powerful animation that opened my eyes to the world around me and all its possibilities. I always remember this animated video when I am on a plane or on top of mountains. For over 25 years I have not looked at the world without realizing that there is so much more to the world than what we see.
Knowing how animation has affected me also brings the realization of how animation can affect other people as well. Animation can be a very powerful tool that is used for entertainment as well as for influencing the minds of the viewers. When done well, animation can leave the viewers in deep thought and awe. Animation is one of the most powerful tools in a media creator’s tool kit.
Moving Pictures Essay
“When I meet God, I am Going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first.” – German physicist Werner Heisenberg.
This quote is fitting for this essay because although turbulent flow is not easy to understand mathematically, it is able to be seen in art. Van Goghs painting of Stary Night is a great depiction of this.
This is a concept that when utilized it will help captivate and intrigue the audience. Turbulence can be used in moving pictures by using animation to visually entertain the viewer while giving audio and visual information. This helps the information be easily retained with a higher attention span.
When we experience well designed moving pictures that contain information, we are interested in it inspires us to learn more and create our own projects. On the other hand, when film is monotone with little to no movement the viewers can quickly lose interest and become distracted by more turbulent outside sources which ultimately do not inspire or educate.
In conclusion, if you are trying to gain a following, make a point, or inspire people then it must be done in a way that captures the viewers’ attention and understanding the concept of turbulence is the best way to do that.
Copyright, Intellectual Property (IP), and Reproduction Rights
To allow a better understanding of the subject matter Its best to define these before talking about them.
Copyright is the exclusive legal right given to the original creator or an assignee to use or modify original created content. It is a form of property law that focuses on protecting art.
Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind which includes copyrights, trademarks, and patents. IP protects art and inventions.
Reproduction Rights ensure that no one else can make copies of original work without permission from the copyright holder.
These terms and definitions are valuable information for content creators to know because they are our way of protecting our property and ensuring that it is used as we intend. They also give us a way to profit from our work, which is rightly deserved. After all, you wouldn’t expect someone to give you a free camera, so why would you give your work away unless for a charitable cause that you believe in. Just as we wish for our creative work to be protected, it is our responsibility to comply with all copyright laws and research to ensure that we have the right to use material.
The best way we can protect ourselves as content creators is to register our best work with the U.S. Copyright Office and maintain digital records to prove authorship. Signing our work also helps us to identify it as well as using apps like Adobe to embed a digital footprint of copyright code in our work. Although, once our work is in tangible form, it is automatically protected by copyright.
H2G2, Chapter 8, and Wikipedia can be compared when we see the world wide web as a galaxy. Wikipedia is our guide to the galaxy and is created by the combined efforts of many people.
meanings intended or assumed about the Apple Logo. Eve, Adam, Isaac, Alan…
The famous apple with a bite taken out of it. Is the logo a reference to the story of Adam and Eve? Or possibly Sir Isaac Newton for the law of gravity after an apple dropped on his head? If so, then the reason would be simple as the apple in the story is the forbidden fruit that holds the power of knowledge and understanding. This story would fit the Apple company well as it represents the pursuit of knowledge while pushing the boundaries to accomplish new goals.
Another possibility for the logo creation is a bit darker. Alan Turing is credited with laying the foundations for the modern-day computer pioneering AI research and unlocking nazi war codes. 10 years after the war he laced an apple with cyanide and took a bite. Apple may have drawn up this logo as a tribute to him.
The truth is that those are just theories that Apple fans have come up with. The logo design is meant to be simple and the bite taken out of the apple is just there for scale to differentiate the fruit from a cherry. Overall, the design has worked out well for the company and fits well with many historical stories of fiction and nonfiction.